You cannot play the final level though if you play the game on easy mode. You have an easy mode which makes things much easier on you and you have the heavy machine gun as your default weapon. This game though does have two modes to play. The Metal Slug series is known for being rather challenging. This is called the rush blaster system and it is something that I really do like.

Basically, this allows you to carry with you two powered up guns at a time and you can switch between them the scoring system is also slightly changed which allows you to rack up some major points. The game has a weapon stock system at play and this can come in very handy. While Metal Slug 6 has that classic Metal Slug gameplay we all know and love. I love the Donkey Slug as any Slug that actually uses an animal is always something that I get a real kick out of.

Donkey Slug, Slug Digger, Slug Gunner Prototype and the Rootmars are the new weapons of mass destruction you can use. With a new Metal Slug game comes new Slugs. The characters now have their own special ability which means it actually makes a difference who you pick. Not only does having the two extra characters give you more choice when it comes to who you play as. With Metal Slug 6 though they have actually added in two new I guess you could say guest characters from other franchises which is really cool. Metal Slug always lets you pick from multiple characters, 4 has always been the gold standard.