Some may have also drawn comparisons with Mr. The biggest Sonic fans were initially skeptical of Sonic Frontiers' open-world gameplay for a variety of reasons: how will it work, why are the environments so barren, trend-chasing, etc.

In some cases, it may even be part of the Blue Blur's appeal, hence why fans have made such a wide variety of unique homebrew games about him. While the hedgehog's different approaches to gameplay haven't always been successful (Sonic Heroes, Sonic Unleashed's Werehog, etc), it's amazing how popular he remains after these varied experiments. So, while fans are still buzzing over Sonic Frontiers, they might like to check out a few of the many great Sonic fan games that follow its open-world-style gameplay alongside the 2D fun. Updated November 29, 2022, by David Heath: When a new Sonic game comes out, there are always some eager, PC-savvy Sonic fans willing to see how they can put the hedgehog's new skills into a game. Here are some of the best Sonic fan games that can be found on the net. In some cases, they may have helped their collaborators get work at the Blue Blur’s company. For example, there have been a range of Sonic the Hedgehog fan games and ROM hack competitions that have run for years, even decades, without Sega calling foul on them thus far. Not every company is happy to see their IPs fiddled with like this, yet some tacitly tolerate it. Related: Mods that Add Sonic the Hedgehog to Other Games

If they’re not making indie games, they’re experimenting with ROM hacks and fan games.

Nowadays, they tend to get into software development in more typical, boring ways. ‘Bedroom coders’ became a fad, especially in places where microcomputers like the Commodore 64 were big. Once upon a time, tech-savvy kids could code their own games, sell them to publishers, and enter the computer world that way.